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Yuefu Poetry

  • 图片来源:学习强国


Yuefu (乐府) poems were written in the Han Dynasty. Originally, yuefu was a government office set up by the imperial court to train musicians, collect folk songs and ballads, compose music, and match musical instruments to it. It later came to refer to folk songs and ballads collected, matched with music, and played by court musicians. Poems of this style represented a new creation of ancient folk songs and ballads in the years after "The Book of Songs" was compiled, and equaled "The Book of Songs" and "Odes of Chu" in importance. About 50 to 60 yuefu poems have been handed down to this day. They truthfully depicted various aspects of society at the time and revealed genuine emotions, thus creating a literary tradition reflecting ordinary people's sentiments. In particular, yuefu poems were noted for their vivid depiction of women's life. All poems that could be chanted or were written with yuefu themes were collectively called yuefu poems in later times.


引例 Citations:



After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up an office to collect folk songs and ballads, folk songs from the Dai and Zhao regions, and ballads from the Qin and Chu regions could be heard. They were all created to express people's joy and sorrow or were inspired by certain events… (The History of the Han Dynasty)



Yuefu poems vary in rhythm and tone and are accompanied by music when chanted. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)

(推荐:教育部 国家语委 供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社)


  • 中华文化专词双译|汉乐府

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  • 汉乐府,“乐府”本是秦以后由朝廷设立的用来训练乐工、采集民歌并配器作曲的专门官署,后转指由乐府机关所采集、配乐并由乐工演唱的民歌。
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  • 成语词句网美文欣赏
  • 汉乐府,汉初时没有保留,直到汉武帝时重新设立乐府,其任务是收集编纂民间各地的音乐、整理改编与创作音乐、进行演唱及演奏等。
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  • 名句大全,1.盛年不重来,一日难再晨。——陶渊明2.千里之行,始于足下。——老子3.少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。
